Partner instinct and Todyl fast response prevent ransomware

An enteprise MDR solution notified Jack West, CEO and President of West Computers, of a file run and execute event in a client’s environment. The company is a small construction business that utilized the solution and trusted that they would protect them from any major security events.

West called to check in, and the client explained that they accidentally clicked on what appeared to be a Chrome update, which downloaded a suspicious file. The MDR provider's team communicated to West that they automatically remediated the file and rolled back changes, but West decided to bring in Todyl to conduct further due diligence and ensure his client was safe.

Immediately after deploying Todyl’s Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) West received an alert that a PowerShell script was running, so he brought in Todyl’s Managed eXtended Detection and Response (MXDR) team for additional expertise and support.

Within five minutes, the MXDR team alerted him that the file was malicious and guided him through remediation before it could destroy the customer environment.

To learn more about West Computer's experience, download our full case study.

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Incidents like this prove that you are never too small to be a target for threat actors.

Jack West, CEO and President, West Computers

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