Security Maturity Model for IT Service Providers

IT Service Providers (ITSPs) are at the most significant inflection point in their history. The increased demand for and responsibility of security presents an opportunity to differentiate from the competition to rapidly scale their business. They must either embrace the opportunity for tremendous growth or risk stagnation. With careful planning and focused execution, ITSPs can elevate into trusted advisors for both security and IT to businesses across all industries and sizes.

By doing so, ITSPs can create competitive differentiation while increasing their ability to:

  • Command premium MRR for their services
  • Effectively and holistically manage security risk
  • Better meet insurance carrier and compliance requirements
  • Securely manage IT infrastructure

In this eBook, we outline a Security Maturity Model for ITSPs that presents the optimal journey for ITSP security transformation. As noted in the graphic below, we outline five distinct stages of security maturity for ITSPs, where each stage represents a marked increase in the formalization of processes, specialization and alignment of people, and sophistication of technology.

Todyl's security maturity model and heat map
Figure 1: Todyl's Security Maturity Model

Download it now to learn how maturing your security offering can lead to significant growth opportunities for your business.

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